A society that has completely lost control.

Analyst and financial writer John Rubino:

The debt goes up, the interest on the debt goes up and that raises the debt even further, and you just spiral out of control.

We are there right now.  The official U.S. debt is $33.5 trillion.  It’s growing by $1.7 trillion a year, and $1 trillion of that is interest costs.

Interest costs are rising as the overall debt goes up.  Then throw in this incredibly reckless military spending in the guise of foreign aid, and you get a society that has completely lost control.

That’s where we are now.

We are in the blowoff stage of a 70-year credit super-cycle.

Those things do not end with a whimper, and they certainly do not end with a soft landing.  They end with a bang, and the bang is going to be centered on the currency.

People are going to look at this and say, ‘Do I really want to hold the currency or bonds of a country that is destroying its finances at this trajectory and this scale?’  The answer will be ‘No.’

At that point, it is game over for a deeply indebted economy.  We are headed that way fast, and these wars are taking us that way even faster.<1>

Take that in then contemplate this gem of a headline:

Democrats reject 1 percent cut in spending.

It seems, of late, that we have Paul Reveres riding through our neighborhoods like shoplifters pouring out of a downtown San Francisco iPhone store but their warnings just don’t seem to register with anyone, least of all politicians, bankers, our ginormous corporate monopolies, the War Department, the Enemy of the State Department, the Federal Reserve, the lying, scumbag press, the feeble Supreme Court, the worthless legal establishment who’ve never heard of the Tenth Amendment, or the bought and paid-for professoriate (at least the part of it that isn’t wearing a nose ring and a clown wig).

People are running up their credit card balances and dipping into their 401Ks to try to hang on.  With the tax penalties for early withdrawals from 401Ks and average credit card interest rates now at 24.56% I don’t have to tell you that that is evidence of some serious desperation in the land.  

But tra la la, campers.  We gots to stop those Russians and their plans for world domination.  

And as for doing something wildly imaginative like the Chinese Belt Road Initiative, well, you can just forget about that, now can’t you.  Give us our senile, corrupt, hair-sniffing chief executive, our tired ass billionaire-controlled elections, our pathetic entertainment industry, our lying press, our tyrannical DOJ, our thug-loving local prosecutors, our lunatic wars on hydrocarbons, “climate change,” and the COVID-19 menace (with a survival rate north of 99%), wildly unconstitutional censorship of free speech, and millions and millions and millions of those self-inviting, entitled, third-world asylum seekers any day. 

That’s how you run a country.

<1> Quoted in ‘This Will Not End With A Soft-Landing Whimper’ – Rubino Warns “Only A Matter Of Time Before Everyone Realizes There’s No Fix”.  By Tyler Durden, 11/20/23.

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Culture of fear.

Creating a culture of fear, making people afraid to express themselves or their political opinions, is just one of the many things that Covid, Ukraine, Climate Change and now Israel have in common.<1>

Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, Tina Peters, Sidney Powell, John Eastman, and the J6 defendants can tell you a thing or two about that climate of fear.  Dare to say that the 2020 election was stolen or that the voting machines were suspect and you can expect a court appearance courtesy of your friendly leftist prosecutor.  Crime speak.

All kinds of energy out there to crucify those guys but for the 2020 rioters who killed people, looted stores, and set fires?  Not so much energy.

<1>  “The Israel-Hamas War Is Already Pushing The Great Reset Agenda.”  By Kit Knightly, ZeroHedge, 10/22/23

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Pedal to the metal. To where?

In other words, while interest rates aren’t at historical highs, . . . they are the highest they’ve been with the largest amount of debt outstanding we’ve ever had. . . .

And it isn’t enough that we face an unprecedented amount of debt-service obligations; both our monetary and fiscal policies continue to exacerbate the problem. Our government has proven it absolutely cannot cut spending and has no regard for what can only be described as its toxic and debilitating deficit, even when the nation’s finances are at their most precarious.<1>

The recklessness, viciousness, and destructiveness of Uniparty foreign policy, monetary, fiscal, border, free trade, environmental, and energy policies are stupefying.  For thirty years and counting we’ve done the equivalent of hand whiskey and the car keys to teenage boys in P.J. O’Rourke’s inspired observation many years back. 

Federal and some state policies have been so stupid and destructive as to definitively rule out honest mistake or temporary infatuation with some lunacy du jour.  No, this kind of mismanagement can ONLY be the result of a deliberate, purposeful plan to destroy America as we know it.

Exhibit A: “The entire national debt after 200 years as a nation was $2.9 trillion. In the last four months they have added $2 trillion to the national debt.”<2>

Does that look like what patriots do or . . . does it make you think more about what the global toads mean by “The Great Reset”?

<1>  “The Stock Market Sits On The Edge Of The End Of The World.”  By Quoth the Raven, ZeroHedge, 10/12/23.
<2>  “Pull It!!” By Jim Quinn, ZeroHedge, 10/11/23.

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Irony alert.

As he announced that he will be running for President as an independent candidate, Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s own siblings have thrown him under the bus and endorsed Joe Biden, labelling their brother as “dangerous” to America.

And Biden is not? 

You can’t make this stuff up, campers.

Brutal: RFK Jr’s Own Siblings “Denounce” Him And Endorse Biden.”  By Steve Watson, ZeroHedge, 10/10/23.

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Candace Owens on minding our own business.

Ten minutes of distilled common sense.

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