The patriarchy, homophobia, ‘scrimination, and structural racism are nobody’s enemy.

Guess what is.

From Elizabeth Nickson:

The difference between me and friends, cousins and children no longer speaking to me is that I think the left is evil. By which I mean, malignant, without the best interests of the ordinary man and woman at heart and filled with hate for normal, the good, the sane. I think they have deliberately maxed out the administrative state imprisoning every enterprise in a set of contradictory regulations. They have invited and paid for the invasion by the South into Europe and the US. They have deliberately destroyed the economies of the South via the same policies that are destroying our world. They have befuddled the middle class with false claims that alternative energy would work if the oil companies would just fold their tents and walk away.<1>

Ms. Nickson is a most perceptive writer and I highly recommend her Substack site Welcome to Absurdistan.  What she says above is a basic truth about the left.  They are wildly destructive and they inevitably preside over a political and cultural race to the bottom.  They are vicious as ten minutes of study of Attorney General Garland’s persecution of the January 6 “insurrectionists” and Pres. Trump will prove to you.  You can see the same viciousness in the hideous proxy war in Ukraine that our political class prosecute with such joy and abandon.  Solzhenitsyn wrote the book on the ghastly crimes and stupidities of the Soviets.  The record of the Chinese, North Korean, and Cambodian communists is equally appalling. 

Lesson # 1: governments are the mass murderers of these our end times and leftists want you to enjoy unlimited government.

Yet this grisly record of tyranny, murder, and enthusiastic embrace of economically destructive (i.e., socialist) policies never dulls the leftist desire to grovel at the feet of arrogant state power.  Like the iconic statue of the bull on Wall Street the future statue of leftist stupidity should be of a cringing man with his hat in one hand and his other hand outstretched for some bread crumb from some arrogant government functionary with the intelligence of a chihuahua.  That is what the left wants and that is exactly where we’re about to go.  Does “you’ll own nothing and be happy” ring a bell?  That’s the New American Dream.  Not what you want for yourself but it’s what the globalist, population reductionist, vaccine demons, and climate change fanatics want for you.  Bet on it.

Even despite Kommander Klingon Schwab’s vision for our future, “our democracy” here in the U.S. has degraded to the same state where we have ten tons of empty agencies and rubber-stamp courts plus an elegant structure of political, legal, academic, and journalistic [nonsense] that exceeds even the magnificence of one of Nancy Pelosi’s Brazillian Blowouts.  All something we did by our very own selves.

So the left in America is delighted to destroy the grandest experiment in self-government ever seen, replace the founding population with third-world invaders seeking free food and housing, and toy with irreversible tyranny like a kid poking a tiger through a three-foot wooden fence.

People knew exactly what Dr. Phil was driving at when he asked someone, “How’s that working out for you?”  But the same cautionary question about the abandonment of our liberties falls on deaf ears.  “Surely you’re not asking me to show the least skepticism about fourth-rate ideas or moronic “commentators” on TV!”

Well, we’ll see soon enough, especially if the corrupt MSM keep up the drumbeat of wildly dishonest propaganda and our next presidential election is stolen like the last one.  Next stop Leftist Hell, comrades.  It CAN happen here and we’re just going to damn well LOVE it.   

<1> “Our Enemies Walk Among Us.  Managed decline, societal chaos are deliberate creations of the most incompetent and wicked leadership class since Soviet Russia.” By Elizabeth Nickson,, 1/8/24.

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