Pearls of expression.

Regarding Christine Anderson, Alterative für Deutschland (AfD) member of the German parliament:

She [Anderson] argued that anyone not aligning with the current globalist agenda is labeled as “far right.”  Using an example the protests in Berlin against COVID restrictions, she highlighted how individuals, originally left-leaning, were falsely branded as right-wing extremists by media outlets, going so far as to say, “We’re not far right, just right so far.”<1>

Amen to that.  The whole issue of what is “right-wing” is one of the mysteries of the age.  Basically, anything you don’t like can be labeled as right-wing and that’s it.  QED. Been there, done that.  Goodnight, Mrs. Kalabash.  Case closed.  That the loathsome radical left of the last century managed to murder over 100 million people is never mentioned. 

Anyway, this woman is amazing: perceptive and intelligent, plus she speaks flawless English.

Some of the women in the West are amazing for their willingness to press the envelope and get out in front on basic issues.  I think of Laura Loomer, MTG, Katie Hopkins, Ann Coulter, Heather Mac Donald, Kari Lake, Emerald Robinson, Candace Owens, Michelle Malkin, Whitney Webb, Eva Vlaardingerbroek (31:02 . . . 49:05 . . .),<2> Eva Bartlett, Vanessa Beeley, Syrian Girl, Marine LePen, Tina Peters, Bronx Tina, Catherine Engelbrecht, and Libs of Tik Tok, among others.  Jacinda Ardern (loathsome tyrant), not so much.

I might have a certain innate bias on this issue but who knows what it might be?

These amazing women decidedly do not need to be “empowered” by anyone.  Said empowerment going like this:  “There, there, Honey.  You’re paralyzed by fear and indecision, have no guts or independence, and are hindered by the heteronormative patriarchy.  You can’t do jack by yourself it’s clear, but we’re here to help you get over being the pathetic cipher that you are.”

<1> EU Governance Is “Anti-Democratic”: European Lawmaker.”  By Savannah Hulsey Pointer and Jan Jekielek, ZeroHedge, 12/30/23.
<2> Note Ms. Vlaardingerbroek’s brilliant observation (49:49) how, in the debate with globalists, “we are being manipulated with arguments related to the Second World War.”  She has her finger precisely on the holy verities of political debate that stem from those arguments, to wit, nationalism bad, patriarchal structures bad, conservatism bad, Christianity bad, and white people bad.  Just a given.  On to earnest consideration of net zero, alternative energy, multiculturalism, and men competing against women in cage fighting. The things that matter.

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Criminal economic mismanagement and assorted Trumpian observations.

[Ronald Reagan’s knew that recessions were a healthy correction to too many reckless economic decisions.]  Not Donald Trump, however. Even before the egregious fiscal insanity of the 2020 pandemic [stimulus measures], the Trump deficit had soared to $983 billion by FY 2019.

Thereafter, of course, it was Looney Tunes time. The FY 2020 and FY 2021 deficits soared to a combined total of $5.9 trillion. Both years were drastically inflated by Donald’s [stimulus] measures, including their extensions in Biden’s American Rescue Plan. Actually, the total for these two years is equal to the entire public debt incurred on the watch of all 43 presidents during the first 212 years of the nation!

Let that sink in. That $5.9 trillion will saddle US taxpayers for generations to come and is therefore just unforgivable madness under any circumstance. But it is flat-out unacceptable behavior for any politician elected on the Republican ticket.

For avoidance of doubt, check out the federal deficit chart below. The deficit was marching downhill in typical cyclical recovery fashion and then went [very, very extremely] crazy.<1>

See original article for the chart mentioned above.  (Warning.  Disturbing images!) 

Do not lightly read past that point in the second paragraph above.  The Biden deficits in two years exceeded the total of all deficits run up by all 43 presidents in 212 years!

Trump is if not the wisest presidential candidate out there the most electable one.  But, as Mr. Stockman points out, he was clueless about correct economic policy.  If he wasn’t clueless and just caught up in reams of bad advice from Fauci and the other charlatans and toads, then it’s still on him. 

He sucked his thumb while unbelievable policies were put in place and seemed to have no independent expertise or judgment to call upon to ask what the hell was being done.  And what allies he initially did have inside the White House he early on abandoned for no discernable reason.  And replaced them with even more toads, including Jared the Sphinx whose agenda has never been revealed to mortal men, certainly not in any public utterance by said sphinx.

I get it that Trump was the target of a full-court press to discredit him from the git but that is what he had staff to take care of.  Even Bull Halsey and Douglas McArthur relied on staff officers as basic military doctrine dictates.  Military operations are infinitely complex.  Operations officers develop plans to deal with enemies identified by intelligence officers and with the bullets and rations provided by supply officers and personnel identified by the adjutant.  Being the chief executive of the executive branch of the federal government is even more complex but Trump acted like he thought he was a rifleman with one rifle.  His strategic judgment involved taking on enemies like Rosie O’Donnell in a Twitter war SHMG.

His basic virtue is that he does indeed believe in serving American interests and the American people rather than slobbering over every foreigner on the planet.  He gets it about immigration though he was inexplicably late in getting the ball rolling on the wall and he never did send troops to the border. 

One of the sad ironies is that American troops are deployed here and there in the world doing Lord knows what and for whom but NOT ONE American troop is defending our own borders.  For a man who says he cares about American interests and the American people that was an extraordinary feebleness and blindness that he demonstrated in failing to use his authority as commander in chief to make the point that it’s time for American troops to be brought home to defend America. 

When have American troops ever been on the border except as typists, taxi drivers, nursemaids, and “observers”?  That’s right.  Never, unless you recall the adventures of Blackjack Pershing.  Would actual troops on the border have electrified the nation and defined the debate for decades?  You know the answer to that.  The Mexican president, might have gotten the message that Americans are serious about defending our borders but we know they all laugh at that absurd notion.

It’s a Western disease.  Every Western leader with the exception of Orban and Putin is gutless and worthless on stopping immigration cold and the current DHS toad, Alejandro (“the border is secure”) Mayorkas, sees his role as, again, taxi driver and nursemaid for invaders flooding over the border.  He’s Biden’s butt boy, of course, but when was it decided that American immigration policy revolved — exclusively — around (a) what legal rights and welfare benefits to shower on invading foreigners once they set one @#$% toe on American soil and (b) how to goose “a path to citizenship” for them? 

The thought of preventing foreigners from getting over the border in the first place has been banished to the Arctic wastelands.  So has the idea that patriotic NGOs and scumbag billionaires should be “discouraged” from send luxury buses to pick up foreigners in the Darien Gap in Panama and have them transported to the so-called “homeland.”  Whose “homeland” is it these days is a pretty fair question.   (For extra credit, is the Darién Gap wider than the gap between Stacey Abram’s teeth?  No fair using AI.)

Vivek is far an away the best presidential candidate I’ve seen since Reagan but realistically clueless RINOs and “moderates” are lukewarm about him.  Even the execrable, neocon war pig, Nimrata Haley, is polling better than he is.  Go figure. She’s the one who became a millionaire after her “service” as Ambassador to the United Nations.  Vivek’s twanging that particular nerve during the debates was priceless. 

Oh, well.  I’ll be happy with Trump and will most definitely vote for him, though I have some anxiety about who he has in mind as “his” VP.  I won’t put it past him to make one of his infamously horrific personnel picks, in which case it’s a new ball game.  I won’t tolerate Nimrata for who she is and if Trump has the bad judgment to choose her I’ll take that as proof positive that he’s learned zilch from his experience so far.  Lord hear our prayer!

Under the heading of “Sadder But Wiser,” there’s good reason to think that Trump’s coast-to-coast legal persecution and the persecution of his allies and the J6ers may have put some iron in his soul and opened his eyes.  Maybe if he gets back in he’ll have an appreciation for the hideous persecution of Julian Assange, whom he earlier appeared never to have heard of. Maybe.

These are not normal times.

<1> America’s Stagflationary Mess.”  By David Stockman,, 12/24/23.

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Oh!  THOSE particles!

But of course like the Financial Times explanation for the once in 300-year fall in GDP, the purpose of that BBC article is only to appear to attempt an explanation of why there’s a die-off occurring, so that attention is deflected from the real reason why there is a die-off occurring.

Could it possibly be because millions of people were injected, without properly informed consent, with a novel, untested, mRNA, lipid-nanoparticle gene therapy, which went into their bloodstreams and multiple organs, causing their bodies to become production factories for a toxic protein? Could be.  [Understatement alert!]

In what I think is the most worrying study I’ve seen to date on this, published in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice and Research, researchers used dark-field microscopic analysis to examine the blood of over 1,000 people who had been given the Pfizer or Moderna mRNA injection, and in a staggering 94% of cases they found “aggregation of erythrocytes and the presence of particles of various shapes and sizes of unclear origin one month after the mRNA inoculation.” But the Beeb would rather not trouble you with such explanations for the deaths, and will instead continue to regale you with things that don’t explain it.

The paper linked to above is 404 at the moment.  According to Retraction Watch, it is not on the list of Covid-19 papers that have been retracted and none of the authors’ names show up in a general search of that website.  I did find the actual paper on the Way Back Machine and it does indeed say what Mr. Slane says it does.  It also says — by way of understatement — “Further studies are needed to define the exact nature of the particles found in the blood and to identify possible solutions to the problems they are evidently causing.”  Which is a true statement.

Let Them Eat Fake.”  By Rob Slane, The Blogmire, 8/22/22 (emphasis and paragraphs added).

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Is this true about the agenda of the globalist elite?

All three of these explanations — coronavirus causing economic calamity; an ageing population causing a rise in excess deaths; the war in Ukraine causing a massive leap in energy costs — all of them are cover-ups by the Society for Diverting Your Attention From Reality. And what they are designed to divert your attention away from is the Globalist elite’s subjecting the economy to a controlled demolition; their subjecting millions of people to a toxic injection; and their subjecting homeowners to a situation where they’ll have no way of paying their energy bills — until of course those behind these manufactured crises come along to do their Knight in Shining Armour act, no doubt promising some kind of debt relief, just so long as you sign up to the digital social credit slavery system that they’re dying to implement.

See the source article to understand what Mr. Slane means about “these explanations.”  His analysis is irrefutable.  The “explanations” are blatant garbage yet they were offered with the full authority of the British Broadcasting Corporation, the chief British propaganda organ. 

The BBC.  The government of the United Kingdom.  Blatant lies.

Let Them Eat Fake.”  By Rob Slane, The Blogmire, 8/22/22 (emphasis and paragraphs added).

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A society that has completely lost control.

Analyst and financial writer John Rubino:

The debt goes up, the interest on the debt goes up and that raises the debt even further, and you just spiral out of control.

We are there right now.  The official U.S. debt is $33.5 trillion.  It’s growing by $1.7 trillion a year, and $1 trillion of that is interest costs.

Interest costs are rising as the overall debt goes up.  Then throw in this incredibly reckless military spending in the guise of foreign aid, and you get a society that has completely lost control.

That’s where we are now.

We are in the blowoff stage of a 70-year credit super-cycle.

Those things do not end with a whimper, and they certainly do not end with a soft landing.  They end with a bang, and the bang is going to be centered on the currency.

People are going to look at this and say, ‘Do I really want to hold the currency or bonds of a country that is destroying its finances at this trajectory and this scale?’  The answer will be ‘No.’

At that point, it is game over for a deeply indebted economy.  We are headed that way fast, and these wars are taking us that way even faster.<1>

Take that in then contemplate this gem of a headline:

Democrats reject 1 percent cut in spending.

It seems, of late, that we have Paul Reveres riding through our neighborhoods like shoplifters pouring out of a downtown San Francisco iPhone store but their warnings just don’t seem to register with anyone, least of all politicians, bankers, our ginormous corporate monopolies, the War Department, the Enemy of the State Department, the Federal Reserve, the lying, scumbag press, the feeble Supreme Court, the worthless legal establishment who’ve never heard of the Tenth Amendment, or the bought and paid-for professoriate (at least the part of it that isn’t wearing a nose ring and a clown wig).

People are running up their credit card balances and dipping into their 401Ks to try to hang on.  With the tax penalties for early withdrawals from 401Ks and average credit card interest rates now at 24.56% I don’t have to tell you that that is evidence of some serious desperation in the land.  

But tra la la, campers.  We gots to stop those Russians and their plans for world domination.  

And as for doing something wildly imaginative like the Chinese Belt Road Initiative, well, you can just forget about that, now can’t you.  Give us our senile, corrupt, hair-sniffing chief executive, our tired ass billionaire-controlled elections, our pathetic entertainment industry, our lying press, our tyrannical DOJ, our thug-loving local prosecutors, our lunatic wars on hydrocarbons, “climate change,” and the COVID-19 menace (with a survival rate north of 99%), wildly unconstitutional censorship of free speech, and millions and millions and millions of those self-inviting, entitled, third-world asylum seekers any day. 

That’s how you run a country.

<1> Quoted in ‘This Will Not End With A Soft-Landing Whimper’ – Rubino Warns “Only A Matter Of Time Before Everyone Realizes There’s No Fix”.  By Tyler Durden, 11/20/23.

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