By their works ye shall know them.

The Bergoglian Church is an Accomplice in Ethnic Replacement

In this context [importation of foreigners by criminal organizations and their subsequent explotation and abuse and the degradation of the U.S.], it is dismaying to hear the words of [Pope] Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who recently stated – referring to Italy but speaking about the entire Western world – that, in the face of demographic decline, the only workable solution is to import immigrants, thus concretizing the ethnic replacement theorized by Kalergi, the pan-European. This proposal [for importation of foreigners] is also widely reflected in similar requests from multinational corporations, who see the importation of immigrants as a way to drastically reduce the cost of labor to the detriment of native workers, further increasing their profits. As we can see, Authority is now completely subservient to the diktats of the elite, with the complicity of the mainstream media, even if this leads to a worsening of the social and working conditions of the population. Or rather, it is precisely for this reason, since, as I said, the ultimate goal of this lobby is the extermination of a sizeable portion of the human race.

The Numbers Speak for Themselves

Finally, we cannot forget that the budgets of US Dioceses, already largely compromised by the millions of dollars doled out in compensation for the cases of sexual abuse, and also depleted by the abandonment of an ever-increasing number of faithful from the official Catholic Church because of its betrayal of its nature and mission, have their main income from government funds given to them for the purpose of “welcoming” immigrants.<1>

Note that last sentence. The U.S. Catholic Dioceses have their main income ($2.4B) from government funds given to “welcome” immigrants.

And, oh yes, not that the Archbishop wrote “the ultimate goal of this lobby is the extermination of a sizeable portion of the human race.” That’s an allegation just about every person on the planets should think long and hard about. (My emphasis.)

<1>“Archbishop Vigano: Letter to American Catholics.” By Carlo Maria Viganò, The Gateway Pundit, 2/3/25 (italicized portions of quoted text in the original are in bold text here. Hyperlink to Kalergi’s pathetic obsession is mine).

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Weak and stupid.

From the amazing Elizabeth Nickson:

The [fentanyl] pills are made everywhere [in Canada], in factories where no police dare to visit. We pour drugs across the border. Mexican and Asian cartels launder most of the drug money generated in North America through casinos and real estate in Vancouver. Gorgeous houses built by and for the Anglo-European middle class in the early 1900’s are now lived in by violent Asian cartel gang leaders and children of [Chinese Communist Party] leadership. That is how weak and stupid our politicians are.

Crime is the most reliable profession in the country.

Thirty-four percent of us are proud to be Canadian. That’s down from 83% ten years ago.<1>

Ms. Nickson’s words on Canadian healthcare are alarming. Especially if you’ve got cancer.

Here’s what she says about Canada’s elite:

The only people allowed to speak in Canada are socialists and they fight over a shrinking pie, like vermin over crusts. If you are not a socialist, keep your head down and your voice muted. I won’t write for Canadians; my readers are 90% American. Absurdistan is read in 100 countries and I feel entirely safe, but not here; it’s too dangerous to focus on Canadian issues. The cadre of grim Marxists in our Privy Council are wildly punitive. They jail people and forget them. If you evince any opinion other than the approved, you are instantly thrown out of any social group, corporation, church, charity group, book club or tennis club.

The vile idiot Trudeau promised 400,000 children would have a hot breakfast in impoverished Nova Scotia. Not one meal served in 3 years.<1>

Good thing it’s not like this in the United States.

<1>“Canada Is A Failed State and Mark Carney is BlackRock’s Bankruptcy Trustee.” By Elizabeth Nickson, Welcome to Absurdistan, 2/1/25.

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Adam Laxalt on the stain of DEI in our air traffic control system.

The DC controllers on duty during the recent aviation disaster in Washington, DC, deserve to be considered competent unless shown otherwise. To me, at first blush, they appear to have acted correctly.

However, Mr. Laxalt’s description of the madness that permeated management of the overall air traffic control system is a stunning indictment of DEI, a system of naked racial discrimination from top to bottom.

Goodbye meritocracy:

Here are some thoughts after over a year of litigating Brigida v Department of Transportion, a DEI Air Traffic Control case against the Biden FAA and DOJ:

The FAA pushed its radical DEI agenda for decades. It watered down the air traffic control aptitude test multiple times for the stated purpose of increasing Air Traffic Control(ATC) diversity, until finally a questionable character self-assessment was worth far more than the ability to understand flight paths and intersecting angles.

Under both the Obama and Biden Administrations, the FAA was influenced by DEI fanatics to change its air traffic control hiring process. Rather than stick with the science, the agency used an ATC aptitude test – if it can even be called that – that prioritized skin color and sex over actual competence.

During the Obama Administration more than 2000 qualified & vetted men and women were lined up to become air traffic controllers. They’d demonstrated their competence and eagerness to protect the American skies and were just waiting on orders from the government. The order that came was to remove them from the ATC queue altogether. The reason: Obama’s FAA decided they weren’t racially diverse enough.

The Obama Administration threw out the results of an ATC aptitude test proven to select the best candidates in favor of a 10 minute self-assessment that had zero guardrails against cheating and even less to do with air traffic. Anyone who failed according to the FAA’s secret scoring system was denied the job, no matter how highly they’d scored on the actual ATC aptitude test.

In the name of DEI, Obama’s FAA instituted an air traffic control hiring exam that awarded applicants points for being bad at science in high school, being unemployed, and having below average communication skills. The candidates who were actually qualified to be ATCs but were denied the chance to protect American skies because they didn’t pass this sham test sued to correct the injustice, but the Biden admin championed the DEI cause in court with even greater ferocity.

Back in 2013 the Obama Administration promised a “historic transformation” of the FAA. To make our skies safer? To become more technologically advanced? To study flight patterns of the busiest airspace? Obama’s promise was to make air traffic control a more diverse and inclusive workforce, and Biden doubled down on it.

Talent and experience for these jobs is a long pipeline. Losing so many qualified applicants out of only 14,000 Air Traffic Controllers, and losing potentially countless applicants since, has resulted in chronic staffing shortages and serious overtime.

No sane American cares about ATC sex and skin color, because they know it’s an obsession that, as I predicted many times last year and as recently as 2 weeks ago, would result in tragedy.

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Election post-mortem.

It’s hard to believe that the things described below were routine in the last four years.  The country was literally unhinged and the dissidents among us managed to demonstrate this only with great difficulty.    

The winning side in this contest didn’t vote against Kamala Harris so much as they voted against the Democratic Party, the Party of Chaos, of BLM riots, of drag queens in the school library, of men in the women’s swim lane (and locker room), of forced vaccinations (your bodily autonomy, sister?), of locking up grandmothers who walked through the Capitol rotunda, of state-driven censorship, of malicious political prosecutions, of ruinous proxy war, of flooding the country with criminal alien mutts, of Mao Zedong style erasing of history, of FISA court surveillance, and, finally, of the same sort of self-loathing for the nation that a three hundred pound sophomore with a nose ring and sleeve tattoos feels for herself.

* * * *

Between now and then, prepare to put your shoulder to the wheel. It’s not just the US government that begs for reform, but many of the secular operations of daily life in America, especially of an economic scene dominated by freakishly gigantic monopolies that have impoverished so many local communities, destroyed livelihoods and whole ways of life, and made slaves of citizens. That story has hardly begun to be told.

One thing missing from Mr. Kunster’s litany is the cowardice of the Supreme Court.  “Lack of standing” my foot.

We Won’t Be Certifying The Election…”  By James Howard Kunstler, ZeroHedge, 11/9/24 (emphasis changed).

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Semantic clarity.

“Diversity” is code for discrimination.

“Equity” is code for special privileges.

“Inclusivity” is code for exclusion.

It’s been 75 years since Orwell’s ominous “1984” was published, yet ‘doublespeak’ is more popular than ever.

Clifton Duncan.

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