The question for ordinary people.

Who is hands-down the worst mass murderer in human history? In a single word: government. When it is not finding ways to kill people beyond its borders, it is crafting justifications for killing citizens within. Those who nonetheless persist in holding any government up as a model of virtue and decency are either too naïve to understand that they champion a cutthroat or so depraved that they gladly serve as its accomplice.

The reason no government lasts forever is because its homicidal tendencies eventually force ordinary people to act, whether they want to or not. Sometimes, as with Nazi-controlled Germany, outsiders end a murdering State’s reign of terror before that terror spreads even farther. Sometimes, as with the collapse of the Soviet Union, insiders must bring down the Leviathan from within the bowels of the beast. Either as common soldiers or revolutionaries, though, it is always normal people who must do the heavy lifting. No government will prosecute and sentence itself.

The question for ordinary people invariably remains the same: when should a government be properly understood as such a threat to the lives and liberties of its citizens that good and decent people must act in concert to prevent greater harm?<1>

The author of this, Mr. J.B. Shurk, is a superb observer and writer.  I recommend his article in its entirety to you.  I’ll only quote one of the questions he asks relevant to the issue of when should decent people act.  To wit,

“Is [the threat to our lives and liberties intolerable] when the courts so distort the plain meaning of the nation’s Constitution as to rewrite it without the public’s affirmation?”

Believe me, that is exactly what has happened.  The inspired constitutional structure devised by the Framers and Ratifiers has been stood on its head in part because of the mindless citizens who blithely approved the 16th and 17th Amendments authorizing, respectively, the income tax and the direct election of senators.  The income tax was the equivalent of handing the national piggy bank to the grifters and psychopaths who inevitably rise to dizzying heights in every government; the direct election of senators simply destroyed the control that state legislatures had on their senators. 

Now the politicians have unimaginable funds to dispose of how they will and the only way of controlling our senators is for citizens to write stern letters to them or speak to their lowly but invariably pleasant staff on the telephone.  Here in Wyoming each letter writer and phone caller is one of some 363,000 registered voters so you know your complaints and suggestions will be taken very seriously.

More to the point, however, the Supreme Court has “slipped the surly bonds of Earth” like the aviator John Gillespie Magee Jr. and turned the Constitution on its head.  If you thought the “enumerated powers” doctrine was the absolute upper limit on what the Court would let the Congress get away with, well, think again.  Try the “kitchen sink” doctrine.  Authorization for anything and everything any dirtbag, liberty-stealing, kiddy-sniffing, war pig of a politician wants to do can be found lurking in every period and underneath every due process or interstate commerce clause of the Constitution if the learned and not-so-learned justices will just do their duty and call Rachel Maddow on the secret hotline and axe her.  Crimenently.

At least since the New Deal brought to us by Saint Franklin, the Supremes have done all in they/their power to transform the federal government from its constitutional role as a small, neutered actor on the national stage to the out-of-control, untouchable, unaccountable, arrogant, dissembling, murderous, thieving  monstrosity it is today.  The states were meant to be the repository of any and all powers not specifically delegated to the federal government (and not denied to them) by the Constitution.  Instead, today the states wait meekly for their subsidy checks and approved school text books from the federal government.

The nation’s lawyers and every state bar association haven’t exactly covered themselves with glory either as this tectonic transformation of the foundational principle of the U.S. Constitution has been as invisible to them as Hillary Clinton’s ginormous, bribe-hoovering Clinton Foundation and her jaw-dropping health problems on the presidential campaign trail.  The corrupt corporate press “couldn’t” see any of this either but you get my point about the bar associations. 

Nor will the bar associations say boo about the bar association abuse of Trump’s lawyers or the contemptible prosecutorial and judicial oppression of Trump, his associates, and the January 6 defendants.  But that’s another story. 

And, meanwhile, liberty dies the death of a thousand cuts unnoticed by the Supremes.  But I do like the part about “the land of the free.”  It gets me right where I live.

<1>If We the People Were Actually in Charge.”  By J.B. Shurk, American Thinker, 10/8/23.

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Live not by lies.

The title of this post comes from Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.  He thought it was a bad idea. Living by lies.

Here’s an example of a lie that we’re forced to live by:

One common denominator that explains why previously successful societies implode is their descent into fantasies. A collective denial prevents even discussion of existential threats and their solutions.

Something like that is happening in the United States. Eight million illegal immigrants have entered the United States by the deliberate erasure of the southern border.

Apparently, the Biden administration sees some unstated advantage in destroying U.S. immigration law and welcoming in would-be new constituents.

Yet, the more the millions arrive, the more Joe Biden and his Homeland Security director Alejandro Mayorkas flat out lie that “the border is secure.”<1>

This raises several issues.  Number one is “Is this particular egregious lie a ‘collective’ one?”  In this case, over the decades since Ronald Reagan wimped out on immigration, the issue of a wide open border has been something relegated to the dog food section of the newspaper.  

Inssssteeeeadddd . . . (1) Unisex bathrooms, (2) drag queen hours in the government schools, (3) biological males competing in women’s sports, (4) the joys of lesbian parenthood, (5) someone being “disrespected” for no reason at all, (6) homicidal cops,<2> (7) the path of our ambitious young scholars “from high school to prison,” and, of course, (8) the deliberate under funding of schools in “underserved” areas are the sort of issues that actually scream at us from the front pages of our monopoly MSM. 

We have a duty to educate ourselves it’s true, but if we had an honest, patriotic press, the citizen wouldn’t exactly have to wade upstream into a thick stream of molasses to get to where some of the basic facts are readily on display.  Every bleeping time.

The citizen hears about “asylum” and “political oppression” in dastardly foreign climes and “jobs that Americans won’t do” but never about the cost to Americans of welfare dependency of foreigners — and how they bankrupt hospitals through flooding emergency rooms for indigestion or stubbed toes — or about the jobs that invaders steal from Americans. 

This sort of stuff gushes over the land like some kind river of Ghostbusters slime and the average Muhammad, Ikechukwu, or Mahika in flyover country starts from way back in any effort to figure out what the heck is going on. 

The problem here, of course, is that it’s the fidelity to an astounding lie — our “secure border” in this case — on the part of our federal government and the inability of citizens to make known their vehement objections to massive, unlimited, third-world invasion AND to force any kind of a reversal of this ghastly plague.  No, we have to watch while the, so help me, Border Patrol use bolt cutters to cut through the barbed wire laid by Texas governor Abbott and, get this, waive the invading “migrants” through into our country.

This is how it works in “our democracy.”  Scum-of-the-earth politicians who number from 5 (Supreme Court majority) to 218 (majority in the House of Representatives + 51 (majority in Senate) + 1 (vice president) + 1 (president) decide among themselves make it up as they go along and decide which snipe we’ll collectively all go hunting for.  Voila, the latest national snipe hunt.  That would be saving Ukraine just in case you’ve not been paying attention.  Top priority.  (At least 4,000 miles over the horizon as the bribes fly so minimum requirement for American hysterical involvement is comfortably exceeded.)

Examples of snipe hunts abound.  The necessity of drag queen hours, surgical mutilation of children, porn in school libraries, reparations, white terrorism at school board meetings, BLM, racism, “insurrection,” unprovoked Russian invasion, destroying Syria, murdering Gaddafi, Donald Trump’s “denialism,” ripping Kosovo from Serbia, and playing God among the nations as the “leader of the free world.” 

Pray, what is particularly free about our particular world when you can be prosecuted for exercising your right to free speech or murdered by a Capitol Police officer who then gets a promotion?  But I digress.

PS — the unstated advantage in destroying U.S. immigration law and welcoming in would-be new constituents is to replace the white people of America and transform the country into a diverse glop of people with no emotional or intellectual attachment to it.  What these swine have in mind is the obliteration of the grandest experiment in human self government ever known to man.

There you have it.

<1>  “Victor Davis Hanson: Our Establishment’s Alternate Realities.”  By Victor Davis Hanson, ZeroHedge, 10/5/23.
<2>  Actually, there was one such homicidal cop.  He was in Minnesota. A cold blooded killer.

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Brace for something.

A debt crisis is on the way. Something big and stupid (in the words of the brilliant analyst Stephanie Pomboy) is coming from policymakers to address the issue. But the solution won’t be a policy and it won’t be a plan. A crisis will just happen almost overnight and seem to come from nowhere.

But it will come.<1>

If this crisis arrives, as I think it will, we for sure won’t know ahead of time what its specific terms, conditions, exceptions, discounts, rebates, disclaimers, and provisions for exclusive arbitration in Pakistan will be.  Whatever form it takes you can be sure that no one with congressional or executive authority greater than that of the House sergeant at arms or a GS-13 Deputy Rose Garden Weed Control Specialist will have thought for one second whether the course we’re on is rational, sustainable, minimally honest, or simply a gross betrayal of the Constitution and the American people. 

Racking up trillions in debt to make defense contractors, pharmaceutical companies, and Ukrainian civil servants comfortable financially doesn’t seem to bother our elected “representatives.”  They are representative in the same way that the Sphinx cares about people in Nebraska and Alabama. 

The thought of what fundamental economic (or civilizational) sanity would look like free of atrocious propaganda and wall-to-wall betrayal never crosses their minds.  As a consequence, you see national economic, fiscal, and monetary affairs treated as though they are under the direct supervision of a crack addict. 

That, friends, is state-of-the-art political leadership in this declining nation once devoted to the success of a truly grand experiment in self-government. 

Now the piss ants pulling the levers and purchasing their jets and beach properties have the foresight of a Chihuahua and the morals of a Soros prosecutor. To them the Constitution is indeed a “living Constitution” but they think of its being alive only in the sense of “alive with opportunities for totalitarian/plutocratic excess.”

<1>Something “Big & Stupid” Is Coming…”  By James Rickards, ZeroHedge, 10/4/23 (emphasis removed).

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Truer words.

When Republicans threaten to blame Democrats for something, they laugh it off. Democrats backed the mobs that burned cities to the ground and opened the border to an unprecedented mass invasion without worrying what the Republicans would say. But Republicans live in fear of being blamed for a government shutdown. . . .

* * * *

. . . The GOP leadership has concentrated legislative power in the hands of small men like Rep. Kevin McCarthy and Rep. Paul Ryan who haven’t the faintest idea of what to do with it except to prevent things from being done that might upset the status quo too much.

A Broken Congress.  House Republicans have forgotten their mission.” By Daniel Greenfield, Front Page Magazine, 10/4/23 (emphasis added).

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Two incompatible systems.

I hear Obama chuckling and see the evil forces behind him salivating.

American politics is no longer one ideological system with two party choices. It is now, by hook and by crook, two incompatible systems.

Elected representatives aren’t elected to represent themselves. They have not been elected to be one big happy family. They mix with the enemy day in and day out in the halls of Congress.

“Can’t we all just get along” is a toxic mentality.

The elected Republicans don’t seem to understand that we no longer have one system. THEY don’t feel threatened. It is we the people, who voted them into office, who feel threatened, betrayed, powerless, abandoned.

The objective of this two incompatible systems reality is that one of the systems subsumes and swallows up the other system, thereby removing, making null and void, and utterly inconsequential, the fundamental, most valued privilege and strength of the American citizen – the right to vote.

We’ll be back to a one party system, but it will only have one choice, which means, there will be no choice.<1>

Commenter “mj” on Daniel Greenfield’s article has put his finger on the nerve.  Speaking to leftists is a pointless exercise because they have precisely zero concern for the dangers of tyranny and are all about extracting the last drop of blood from productive, law-abiding citizens in aid of airy fairy concepts like “compassion” and “equity.”

Actual compassion can mean “tough love” and anyone with a grain of understanding of human nature knows that hedonism, sloth and parasitism will entirely consume most humans unless outside discipline is imposed.  To leftists, however, their most fundamental principle is that responsibility is an alien concept and government doesn’t do enough to enable those defects of character and if a totalitarian government is necessary to “do enough” then that’s just a minor price all of us must pay. 

<1> Comment by mj on “A Broken Congress.  House Republicans have forgotten their mission.” By Daniel Greenfield, Front Page Magazine, 10/4/23 (emphasis added).

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