By their works ye shall know them.

The Bergoglian Church is an Accomplice in Ethnic Replacement

In this context [importation of foreigners by criminal organizations and their subsequent explotation and abuse and the degradation of the U.S.], it is dismaying to hear the words of [Pope] Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who recently stated – referring to Italy but speaking about the entire Western world – that, in the face of demographic decline, the only workable solution is to import immigrants, thus concretizing the ethnic replacement theorized by Kalergi, the pan-European. This proposal [for importation of foreigners] is also widely reflected in similar requests from multinational corporations, who see the importation of immigrants as a way to drastically reduce the cost of labor to the detriment of native workers, further increasing their profits. As we can see, Authority is now completely subservient to the diktats of the elite, with the complicity of the mainstream media, even if this leads to a worsening of the social and working conditions of the population. Or rather, it is precisely for this reason, since, as I said, the ultimate goal of this lobby is the extermination of a sizeable portion of the human race.

The Numbers Speak for Themselves

Finally, we cannot forget that the budgets of US Dioceses, already largely compromised by the millions of dollars doled out in compensation for the cases of sexual abuse, and also depleted by the abandonment of an ever-increasing number of faithful from the official Catholic Church because of its betrayal of its nature and mission, have their main income from government funds given to them for the purpose of “welcoming” immigrants.<1>

Note that last sentence. The U.S. Catholic Dioceses have their main income ($2.4B) from government funds given to “welcome” immigrants.

And, oh yes, not that the Archbishop wrote “the ultimate goal of this lobby is the extermination of a sizeable portion of the human race.” That’s an allegation just about every person on the planets should think long and hard about. (My emphasis.)

<1>“Archbishop Vigano: Letter to American Catholics.” By Carlo Maria Viganò, The Gateway Pundit, 2/3/25 (italicized portions of quoted text in the original are in bold text here. Hyperlink to Kalergi’s pathetic obsession is mine).

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