The main characteristic.

I defy anyone to say that Mr. Baltar is wrong.  That the main characteristic of the West these days is as he describes. Period. End of story.

It is difficult to put a finger on the essence of a civilization – what makes it unique and different from other civilizations. It is easier if time has passed, providing context. Still, even without time and context, is clear that the main characteristic of the current western civilization is its abandonment of reality. It is not just denial of how badly things are going, leading to delusional thinking. It is much deeper than that. It has become the main thread in the fabric of the West. The abandonment of reality is the main driving force for everything western, including economic policies, foreign relations and social policies. This is a problem because operating outside reality will always lead to failure and disaster. Ask any mental patient.<1>

The adults have everywhere left the room.  Crazy spending, pointless wars to convince foreigners how wonderful we are, and the dominance of the grotesque federal administrative state are but three central facts of our political lives.  With a dash of censorship by cretins and judicial and prosecutorial tyranny, thank you very much.  People who don’t have the sense that the good Lord gave a duck control our nation, fleece us, and engineer slaughter and destruction in foreign countries that are no danger to us.

I strongly recommend this excellent article.  Pay attention to the point Mr. Baltar makes that the destruction is intentional.

<1>A Civilization Beyond Reality.”  By Gaius Baltar, Sonar21, 5/29/24.

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