A little perspective is in order.

As George Orwell said, “To see what is in front of one’s nose requires a constant struggle.”  Vast engines of propaganda (AKA the main-stream media) operate to turn the political debate into a never-ending focus on trivialities such as hate speech, pronouns, “gender,” the “patriarchy,” the “legacy of slavery,” “structural racism,” “transgenderism,” homosexuality, and spotted owls.  So the citizen can be forgiven for not understanding the real agenda at work at any given moment. 

Not to mention the this loathsome toad who snatched the sacred, unchallengeable concept of “diversity” out of thin air.  How did he get to decree it?  For all of humanity, no less.

Meanwhile, our civilization is sinking beneath the waves.

European cities like Molenbeek, Utrecht, Mälmo, and significant swathes of Brussels, Paris, and London have devolved into “no-go zones” for police and certainly for the native citizenry because they’ve effectively become self-contained outposts of radical Islam. Like their American counterparts’ [single-minded] zeal for abortion, Europeans’ love affair with their precious welfare state is blinding them to the bigger threat at hand.

* * * *

We in the West have rights too. And for some of us, these rights are still worth ­fighting for. We have the right to our own institutions, our ow­­n history, our own security, our own prosperity, and our own futures. We have the right to exist as sovereign, independent nations, free from the overwhelming influx of savage, bigoted minds perpetually stuck in the early medieval period. Those who can’t understand that or refuse to respect that do not belong here.

Right in front of our noses. Not so?

The Case For Mass Deportations.”  By C.A. Skeet, ZeroHedge, 8/11/24 (emphasis removed).

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